Every Spypoint cameras (that starts with LINK) have a SIM card in it. It is self sufficient to get the signal from around and communicate with the server using the SIM card in it. It never requires wifi connection or any internet facility to receive signal & send photos.
Every Spypoint cameras have 2 models of SIM card in them. Either AT&T or Verizon. If your area where the camera will work is good with AT&T towers, go with the AT&T model of Cell Link, Link Micro LTE, Link Micro S LTE or Spypoint Flex.
If you have 3 cameras in your same account and 2 of them will be nearby the Verizon tower & one will be nearby the AT&T, don’t hesitate to buy them as the towers are indicating. If you are using a T-Mobile service on your phone, still you will get photos as the camera will use its own SIM card, not your cell phone connection.