Spypoint Flex camera lights pattern will show the problem immediately if there are any. You might be wondering why the camera is not acting properly or working good, because there is an issue ongoing. To find & understand the issue properly, you need to know how to read the Spypoint Flex camera lights pattern. After researching for more than 50 Flex cameras, we found the following patterns & solutions.
1. Spypoint Flex camera lights pattern is blinking Orange
While you see this light pattern in the status, means the camera might have no antenna or it’s loose. Try to restart the Flex camera after screwing the antenna properly. The camera should communicate with a perfect available signal possible. But, if the camera is communicating but not showing more than 1 bar and also the antenna is not fixing properly, means the antenna is broken & need a new antenna. A Flex camera should have good antenna to work properly and if the camera is within the warranty time, Spypoint will replace it for free in this situation.

2. The Flex camera is having blinking Red status
Most of the time, Spypoint Flex camera lights pattern will have normal blinking if everything is right. But, for some reason, it can have this flashing pattern. If it happens, please try to make sure you contact Spypoint customer advisors ASAP and verify the SIM card with them. They might tell you to take the SIM card out & push it back in and then do a power cycle. But if that will not confirm the solution, it means the camera have some antenna issue. Also, they might tell to reactivate the camera but possibility is super low that it will fix. In this case, Spypoint will replace the antenna for FREE.
3. Spypoint Flex camera lights have solid Red status light
The moment any Flex camera will start, it should have the format & battery lights solid, then network and status light blinking green. But, for this issue, while the format light, battery and signal light will go off, the status light will still remain solid Red. This represents the camera is facing major hardware & software issue that cannot be fixed remotely or while you have the camera. Even a manual firmware update will still not fix it. The only way is to replace the camera by the Spypoint customer service advisors. Call or chat with the immediately if you see this pattern.
4. The camera is having solid Orange & Red solid status as a cycle
The moment you will observe this as a cycle, means it’s an issue that cannot be fixed as per Spypoint. To make sure, the cycle will be like this: format, signal & battery lights are off and the Status light is only having Orange blinking for few seconds and then Red solid. Any Flex camera should be replaced for FREE if they face this issue.