Spypoint Link Micro camera is one of the best selling camera in the Hunting industry. Not only that, after 5 years of launching, still these cameras are working like Day 1. How is that possible? Yes, the answer is easy. It’s a Spypoint camera that is very easy to fix & understand the issue. Let’s discuss some of the common technical issues & their easy fixes.
Spypoint Link Micro camera flashing GREEN every 1 second
Always remember, every Spypoint cameras have some regular light patterns to ensure it’s working fine. The moment any Spypoint Link Micro camera will have a power cycle, the Status light blinking every second means its looking for signal. The moment it will get some signal, it will become Green blinking with delay light (upper right) for best signal, Orange blinking for moderate & Red for no signal.

Blinking Orange every half seconds right after power cycle/restart
Spypoint Link Micro camera can have this blinking pattern while the batteries will become low. We always recommend to use Spypoint accessories like LIT-10 or Lithium AA batteries. By this, you will not have to go back n forth in the wood and change batteries more often. Also, make sure the camera installation is just right to confirm the batteries can perform optimally.
The Link Micro camera having faint Red blinking at the power cycle
Any Spypoint camera will always require good power source. This kind of light pattern confirms as the camera have less than 20% battery power. By this, the camera will not power ON or do anything. To avoid this, the best suggestion is to change all the batteries (if AA) with fresh out of the pack AA lithiums or use Spypoint LIT-10 rechargeable.
The camera is having Green blinking in every 3-5 seconds
For this issue, mostly the Link Micro camera is no good anymore. It’s called DSP failure (hardware or software is not helping the camera to work anymore). Mostly, the camera will need a replacement immediately by contacting Spypoint customer advisors. They might require to do a manual firmware update, but that will not help at all. Please try to change the batteries, a new SD card to ensure the DSP failure issue. We recommend to turn your camera off while you want to do anything like changing batteries, SD card or moving to a different place to avoid such issue.