Sometimes Spypoint Link Micro wants to know if the camera need to connect to the server or not. Yes, that is a good question. A lot of Spypoint customers are doing hunting for 3-4 months and then they simply forget about the device. Let’s see what happens in the meantime.

The moment the camera starts after few months, because it’s a mix with hardware & software, it wants to know if everything is at its place properly. For some reason, if the camera found as the SD card is not reading and writing properly, it will take photos but will never send them back.
What to do?
- Do a manual long form Micro SD card format.
- Manually update the firmware.
- Put all fresh new batteries.
- Most important, call Spypoint Support to make sure the SIM card that’s inside the Link Micro LTE camera, is not deactivated. If so, you can everything to start the camera but it will never connect with your app. While you will call them, tell them to make sure the SIM cards are still active.
- Start you camera & make sure its connecting with your app.