With the additional benefit of an integrated solar panel charging an internal lithium battery to keep your camera operating longer than you ever dreamed, the SPYPOINT FLEX S offers the same performance and versatility as the FLEX.
With a real dual-sim configuration and an improved antenna, the FLEX series connects to almost any cellular network in the vicinity, making receiving amazing 33 MP images and 1080p videos simpler than ever.

Spypoint Flex S special features:
The following special features & new additions make the FLEX S much more useful than ever.
- Photo and Video Transmission
- 4 Capture modes
- 33MP Photos
- 1080p Videos with Sound
- True Dual-SIM for Multi-Carrier Auto-Connectivity
- Optimized Antenna
- 0.3s Responsive Trigger
- 100 ft. Flash & Detection Range
- Integrated Solar Panel (newly added)
- Rechargeable Lithium Battery (newly added)
- Option Battery Backup (newly added)

Few feature details of the new FLEX S camera
To know more about any product you love, you need to understand its DNA. For that, we tried to add few features in a snapshot for better understanding:
Internal rechargeable lithium battery and integrated solar panel
The internal lithium battery may be kept charged in the Spypoint FLEX S for months by using solar energy.
Four Capture Modes
Image, video, time-lapse, and time-lapse plus. When the camera’s detection sensor is on, the Time-Lapse + function shoots images at your chosen interval.
True Dual SIM
Connects to the cellular network in the area with the best coverage. There is no need to be concerned about carrier models.
GPS Enabled
Maximises the usability and precision of the SPYPOINT app’s customisable maps feature.
Responsive Trigger
In order to consistently give the highest quality, settings are automatically adjusted to the precise circumstances at the moment of the photo.
MicroSD Card Format Button
At the push of a button, format your microSD.
By updating your firmware through the app, you can keep the camera operating at its best.